Que. : What should be the minimum number of attempts or marks out of 150 to secure a GD/interview call for MFM (NIFT 2016) for its top 3 campuses. (Kindly reply earliest possible) Thank You.
Answer :
NIFT offers 420 seats ( 30 seats in each campus ) through 14 campuses for Master of Fashion Management Course. The probability of getting into the top 3 campuses increases, if you manage to be among the top 90 students who appear for the exam. If you fall into the General Category, you have to aim even higher. Its difficult to provide minimum number of marks in First Phase as this may vary from year to year.
NIFT allots Common Merit Ranks & Category Wise Merit Ranks to candidates at the time of Final Result Declaration. Your Rank determines your probability of getting into a campus of your choice.
NIFT Cut of List 2014 (Maximum CMR allotted at the end of round 6 ) is provided for your convenience.
Hope This Helps…….All the Best for your Exams !
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