10 Reasons Why Architecture is the next best career in India
Architecture is a profession, a lifestyle that is ever changing and evolving. Here we have 10 reasons why it is the next best career in India.
- Architecture = Art + Engineering : Architecture is amalgamation of creative freedom, personal expression and technical awareness. It is creative in the terms of designing buildings, products, and aesthetics; whereas, it is technical in terms of construction processes. An architect gets to dwell in these different roles in various stages of designing and construction and hence gets the best of both worlds.
- Upcoming infrastructure boost in India: Since India is a developing country with a massive population to serve, infrastructure becomes inevitable. The rapid growth in urbanization calls for projects such as Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor, SMART cities and Urban renewals, the role of an architect is to become more prominent then ever in the history. Architects are the designers for the necessities of mankind.
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- Multiple High Paying Job Opportunities: An architect, having done B.Arch is now open to many fields ranging from a project manager to an academician. Here, one has multiple possibilities and opportunities to choose from. Architecture is a very flexible profession compared to any other, one can keep on switching roles.
- The Bigger Cause: As an architect, one can fulfill the social obligations for the society we live in, here we have an opportunity to bring about a positive change, generate employment to thousands of lives through the entire process of designing and construction. One gets to promote the regional skills and highlight it through design which in turn is beneficial to all.
- Bright Future and Recognition: After the Bachelor’s degree one has a large scope in order to pursue post-graduation in a specialized field, and doctorate courses. Admissions to various courses ranging from Product Design to Photography or any other creative field is open for you to pursue. The scope of educational and job opportunities remains wide open.
- Integrated Understanding: Architecture, might sound simple but is an integration of various fields. Being an architect one needs to be sound in various disciplines such as geometry, structures, geography, climate, history, material Science, art, Constructional methods and techniques, physics, engineering, etc. These varied subjects bring functionality to buildings and hence one ought to be well versed with these subjects.
- One Man Army: An architect single-handedly can manage varied scales of projects at a time. The only infrastructure one needs is a computer and sound consultants. As a fresh graduate or a student one can participate in various competitions which can become a base for their practice later on.
- Career Longevity: Unlike others, there is no specific retiring age for an architect. One can remain in the practice and profession as long as he wishes to. The profession takes time to be established but can be continued till a lifetime. The understanding and philosophy of the architect is seen in his work throughout the years.
- Non-static: The work of an architect is non-static, one gets to learn new things throughout the process. As a student and a practitioner one gets to work with various materials and skills, with craftsmen which adds to practical experience. This approach to work teaches you a great deal about the materials and products being used in construction. Every project shows a different facet of work and teaches a great deal.
10.Architect is the Creator: An architect is the creator, the one who creates unseen things, through his imagination. The profession depends majorly on the ability to imagine novel spaces that are great in experience, functionality and
aesthetics at the same time. It is the story that unfolds new dimensions every time it is experienced, it is a story of an effort, struggle against improbabilities.
It is a noble profession, that leaves an impression of a lifetime for the ones who dwells in. Apart from this, there are perks, you need not have a 9 to 5 job, and you could be a little edgy in your dressing and yet get away with that. It is a very flexible but responsible profession.
About the Author: Anu Handa is an Interior Designer, DIY Artist, Co-Founder and Educator at Mosaic Institute of Design. She has been the lead blogpost writer at www.mosaicdesigns.in since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Passionate about Design Education, she’s briefly worked with Annamalai University as a paper setter for Design Exams. Likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields, on online platforms like Quora. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
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