JEE Mains Paper 2 Full E-Book Pack

Prepare for JEE B.Arch with Mosaic eBooks!
Exhaustive material compiled in 13 eBooks. Includes 14 original JEE B.Arch previous year papers. Instant Download on Registration. Saves Delivery Time....Light on your Pocket.....Environment Friendly!
JEE B.Arch eBook Pack Details
FORMAT | Engaging eBooks & PDFs prepared by experts. Contains Rich Graphics, Hand Drawn Images & Illustrations for better learning & retention. |
DELIVERY TIME | Instant Downloadable Study Material |
VALIDITY | 12 Months |
Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above). Once downloaded, no internet connectivity required to access the material. |
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JEE B.Arch eBook Pack Contents |
COST Rs. 3600/- |
JEE B.Arch eBook 1 Sketch Development This e-book is divided in two parts: Part A deals with Drawing Basics & Part B deals with Rendering. DRAWING BASICS
JEE B.Arch eBook 2 How to draw Humans Human body drawing is quite an interesting and challenging subject for NATA aspirants. This book incorporates step – by – step method of drawing human body and body parts. Emphasis has been laid on drawing correct human poses and postures. For this a detailed portion deals with stick figures, croquis drawing and detailed figures. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 3 Colour & Design This E-Book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with Colour & the second part deals with Design. Details are as follows: COLOUR
JEE B.Arch eBook 4 Drawing Bank This drawing bank contains a collection of sketches helpful for students. They can take reference for their drawing works, practice a variety of subjects like animals, birds, fruits & vegetables, tools, musical instruments, household objects, vehicles, trees, still object compositions & improve their works. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 5 Question Bank Contents are as follows:
JEE B.Arch eBook 6 Creativity Enhancement Contents are as follows:
JEE B.Arch eBook 7 Perspective Drawing This book deals with the most important topic of perspective drawing. Step-by-step diagramatic guide explaining in detail the method of perspective drawing making the complex topic seem easy. In detail explanation of 1 point, 2 point, 3 point, 4 point, 5 point & zero point perspectives with examples. Very Important for core concept building if you are preparing for Nata. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 8 Architectural Encyclopedia Introduction to building materials, |
JEE B.Arch eBook 9 History of World Architecture Brief history of Indian and Western Architecture with emphasis on Important Buidings: Construction Styles, Material used, Location, Architects and the patrons. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 10 Prominent Buildings of the World - I Country wise Tabular List of all important buildings of the world, location, Architects etc. To be studied in reference with the CD provided. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 11 Prominent Buildings of the World - II Country wise Tabular List of all important buildings of the world, location, Year of Construction, Architects etc. To be studied in reference with the CD provided. |
JEE B.Arch eBook 12 Architectural Awareness More than 2000 pics on Architectural Awareness |
JEE B.Arch eBook 13 JEE B.Arch TEST PAPERSCollection of past JEE ( B.Arch) papers Part - I ( Mathematics), These are not Mock Test or Sample papers but original JEE ( B.Arch) Test Papers. |