NID M.Des. Full E-Book Pack

11 detailed E-Books for NID M.Des preparation for Design Aptitude Test – DAT Prelims Includes: 14 original NID previous year papers and 15 NID solved mock test papers for Section B.
NID M.Des Full E-Book Pack Details
This Complete Package for NID M.Des Dat Prelims, contains 11 E-Books, Original & Mock Test Series for your preparation. Since a common Exam is held for all streams of M.Des ( Graphic Design, Furniture & Interior Design etc. ) a single pack is designed for all 19 M.Des disciplines & suffices for them completely.
FORMAT: Engaging E-Books & PDFs prepared by experts. Contains Rich Graphics, Hand Drawn Images & Illustrations for better learning & retention.
TARGET EXAM: NID / MIT / Srishti / DJ Academy / Symbiosis
DELIVERY TIME: Instant Downloadable Study Material
VALIDITY: 12 Months
E - BOOK ACCESS ON: Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
Once downloaded, no internet connectivity required to access the material.
COST Rs. 4000/- |
NID E-Book Book 1 Sketch Development This is a beginner level E-Book. Even a novice to the field of drawing & design, will be able to grasp the basics well. The first part introduces the student to fundamentals of drawing like symmetry, 3D & perspective etc. The second half is dedicated to rendering techniques & mediums like dry pastels, pencil colours etc. A must have if you wish to score more in Section B. |
NID E-Book 2 How to draw Humans Human body drawing is quite an interesting and challenging subject for NID aspirants. This E-Book deals with all important topics like Human Anatomy, Proportions & Backgrounds, Action Figures, How to draw Human Face, Head Study from Different Angles, Depicting Age & Expressions & Emotions. Step-by-Step instructions make even difficult topics easy. Clearly drawn illustrations are a good source of inspiration. |
NID E-Book 3 Colour & Design This E-Book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with Colour Theory, Colour Wheel & Colour Psychology. The content is supported by coloured images & diagrams. The second part deals with Design. |
NID E-Book 4 Drawing Bank In order to practice on various topics, students do need a reference book. This E-Book is specially designed for this purpose. The E-Book Drawing Bank gives access to a bank of hand drawn images on various topics like vehicles, animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, compositions, trees etc. |
NID E-Book 5 Question Bank Designed for Section A of Dat Prelims, this E-Book contains the following topics:
NID E-Book 6 Creativity Enhancement This E-Book, with the help of exercises tasks & Doodle drawing, helps to increase your creative skills, imagination & observation power. |
NID E-Book 7 NID M.Design Test Papers for DAT Prelims This E-Book is a collection of NID M.Des previous year question papers for DAT Prelims. Includes 14 original previous year NID M.Des entrance exam papers. Please note that all 19 disciplines in NID M.Des have a common paper for Dat Prelims. |
NID E-Book 8 NID M.Des Solved Mock Test Series for Section B. Includes 15 Papers |
NID E-Book 9 NID M.Des Mock NID Test Series for Section A with answers. Includes 6 Test Papers. Each test contains 35 multiple choice questions based on new paper style of NID DAT Prelims - Section A comprising of 70 marks. These questions are designed to test the candidate's knowledge on G.K. analytical ability, observation etc. Maximum marks for each online test is 70. |
NID E-Book 10 GK & Current Affairs Questions with Answers Includes 50 GK and current Affairs Questions with solutions to prepare the student for NID DAT Prelims Section A . |
NID E-Book 11 GK MCQs with Solutions Includes 100 GK MCQs with Solutions to prepare the student for NID DAT Prelims Section A |