Nid Sample Papers
Hi Friends,
In this article, we present NID Mock Papers for all those preparing for the NID Exams.
Attempting these papers along with NID Previous Year Papers will help you improve your score and get a good rank in NID 2023.
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Let's dive in straight:
1. Which of the following rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal
(i) Narmada
(ii) Tapi
(iii) Mahi
(iv) Ganga
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Details2. Understand the relationship between a & b. Choose the missing figure from the options given such that a similar relationship is established between c & d
3. Observe the given drawn objects and find out the incorrect version
(i) ( e )
(ii) ( b )
(iii) ( c )
(iv) ( a )
4. Observe the given drawn objects and find out the incorrect version
(i) ( c )
(ii) ( d )
(iii) ( b )
(iv) ( a )
5. Why is 10: 10 default setting for clocks & watches in advertisments across the world
(i) Hands are kept from overlapping
(ii) Position looks nice as it is symmetrical & generally shows manufacturers logo
(iii) Hands look like a smile or "V" as in victory
(iv) All of the above
6. Identify the non mango variety
(i) Alphonso
(ii) Kesar
(iii) Totapuri
(iv) Quinoa
7. Identify the missing letters
(i) QHK
(ii) FHK
(iii) XHK
(iv) WEK
8. Red Sandalwood Smuggling is associated with which Indian state
(i) Tamil Nadu
(ii) Andhra Pradesh
(iii) Karnataka
(iv) Orissa
9. Identify the personality
(i) Kasturba Gandhi
(ii) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
(iii) Madam Cama
(iv) Annie Besant
10. Which type of soil is best for growing cotton ?
(i) Black Soil
(ii) Alluvial Soil
(iii) Red & Laterite Soils
(iv) All of the Above
11. What primary colours are used in printing?
(i) RGB
(ii) RYB
(iii) CMYK
(iv) None of the above
12. Choose the figure which is not similar to the other figures
(i) 1
(ii) 2
(iii) 3
(iv) 4
13. A sheet of paper is folded & cut in the given steps. Select the correct answer from the options given below which resembles the pattern paper acquires when it is unfolded
14. Which of the following materials can emit Radiation
(i) Water
(ii) Wood
(iii) Granite
(iv) Plastics
15. Choose the correct mirror image of the problem figure from the options given below
16. Absence of ventillators in modern buildings, affect
(i) Temperature
(ii) Humidity
(iii) Freshness of Air
(iv) All of the Above
17. For what was this personality famously known for ?
(i) Independence Activist
(ii) Singer
(iii) Scientist
(iv) Painter
18. Online recharge platform Freecharge was acquired by ________ in the year 2015
(i) Amazon
(ii) Flipkart
(iii) Snapdeal
(iv) E-Bay
About the Author: Meet Anu Handa – Interior Designer turned Edupreneur, Blogger and co-founder at Mosaic Institute of Design. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Her online platform, helps the next generation of Design & B.Arch Aspirants get the right career advice, choose the most apt design streams, help them prepare for the entrance exams and choose the best college.
She has been the lead blogpost writer at since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles.
Passionate about Design Education, she likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields on online platforms. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
Read more on Anu Handa
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