How do I update my GK for NID?
NID has never followed a fixed paper style, but now the changes are more pronounced and clearly defined with Section A devoted to MCQs and Section B to subjective questions.
All NID Aspirants face one big question: How to prepare for Section A of DAT Prelims, specifically the GK section? Going through previous year papers of NID, one may find that the GK questions are not very hard, still many fail to answer correctly. Why this happens?
The parameters of evaluation were always the same – judging a student on Creativity, Problem Solving Approach, Awareness Level, Reasoning, Analysis and Knowledge. Only the type of questions have changed with time. But the GK portion needs your time and attention. Only thing is that you cannot prepare for it the conventional way, that is mugging from the books. Though some GK books might help, it will only cover a small section of the topic.
The big question - How to prepare for it if I’m NID aspirant?
Many years back, students focused only on drawing & rendering and it worked to some extent. But keeping up with the image of the best design institute of the country, NID keeps on reinventing its paper pattern. This is necessary to select the best of the talents available and not become predictable.
Good drawing skills only help you put your ideas on paper. Its only a medium of expression. It’s an added advantage if you can draw well but it can’t replicate your ideas & imaginary skills.
We have Emphasized this fact in our previous blogs too. Refer: Tips to answer NID GK Questions.
So, what all can be asked in NID SECTION A ?
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DetailsQuestions On
1. Observation
Clue: What to do? Nothing extra ordinary. Just be more observant of what is happening around you. Develop your awareness, look around you, try and grasp maximum details. Pay more attention to your neighbourhood. Visit new places. Many of us are so busy with are routine lives that we don’t pay attention to the details around us - Nature, Structures, Environment,etc. We’re so much hooked to technology that everything else takes a backseat.
2. Knowledge
Clue: Interesting facts about our country and the world, prominent personalities art & culture etc. Read Newspaper daily, keep yourself updated with important news: sports, economy, awards etc. Subscribe to some design magazines: there is no single source, this task is time consuming and difficult but 100% worth the effort as it reflects in the extra marks scored.
3. Subjects You’ve learnt in school English, Math’s, General Science
Clue: Its time you can use your younger brother’s textbooks. If you brush up your knowledge of basic Science principles, school level English and Maths, it will definitely help you with the exam preparations.
4. Creativity, Problem solving, Reasoning
All the best for your preparations !
About the Author: Meet Anu Handa – Interior Designer turned Edupreneur, Blogger and co-founder at Mosaic Institute of Design. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Her online platform, helps the next generation of Design & B.Arch Aspirants get the right career advice, choose the most apt design streams, help them prepare for the entrance exams and choose the best college.
She has been the lead blogpost writer at since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles.
Passionate about Design Education, she likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields on online platforms. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
Read more on Anu Handa
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