NID B.Design Full Study Material

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NID Study Material 2025 - Book Contents

NID Book 1
This book introduces the student to drawing and design basics and gradually advances to complex topics. A must have book if you are just a beginner. It helps the students build their drawing skills, at the same time provides them with a lot of practice exercises. This NID study guide deals with the following topics: Drawing Basics - How to draw and render, Design Theory, Basics of a good composition, Colour Theory, Perspective & Foreshortening, Light and Shade

NID Book 2
Human body drawing is quite an interesting and challenging subject for NID aspirants. Drawing upon years of experience & expertise, this book provides a structured approach to human figure drawing, ensuring that you’re equipped with the tools & knowledge needed to excel in the competitive landscape of NID exams. With practical examples and step-by-step tutorials, this book empowers you to confidently tackle the difficult subject of human figure drawing. Emphasis has been laid on drawing correct human poses and postures. For this, a detailed portion deals with stick figures, croquis drawing and detailed figures.

NID Book 3
This book titled Drawing Bank, is a collection of hand-drawn sketches. This book is particularly useful in attempting questions related to memory drawing. It has been seen that many aspiring students are good with copy drawing, but find it difficult when told to draw from memory.
NID aspirants can use the book for taking reference and practicing drawing works.
The book “Drawing Bank,” contains sketches on a variety of subjects like animals, birds, fruits & vegetables, tools, musical instruments, household objects, vehicles, trees, still object compositions etc.

NID Book 4
Creativity is the primary requisite in any design exam, but a difficult skill to hone. This book is designed to help students explore their creative side. It has less theory and more practical exercises & worksheets. Contains the following topics: Are you Right-Brained or Left-Brained? What is Creativitiy? How To Increase Your Creative Power, Step by step method helping you increase your creative power and imagination with the help of exercises tasks & Doodle drawing.

NID Book 5
The subject of “Analytical Reasoning & Mental Ability” is common for most of the competitive exams. This book of “Question Bank” is designed keeping in mind the type & level of questions particularly asked in NID entrance. Also questions on Orthographic Projections, have been asked in previous year papers of NID, though not very frequently. The book “Question Bank” contains 200+ Problems with Answers on Analytical Reasoning & Mental Ability and Orthographic Projections.

NID Book 6
This book is a collection of 20 NID B Des Dat Prelims previous year question papers. It is necessary to get acquainted with the type of questions asked in NID exam and solve the papers. Please note that these are not Mock Test or Sample Papers but original NID Papers.

NID Book 7
Includes 425+ Solved Questions from NID B.Des Original Papers
Book 7 is in PDF Format & can't be printed
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Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
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NID Book 8
Includes 15 NID solved papers - Mock Test series for Subjective Portion
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Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
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NID Book 9
Contains pack of 6 tests, each including 35 multiple choice questions. The tests contain multiple choice objective type questions based on new paper style of NID DAT Prelims - Objective Portion comprising of 70 marks. These questions are designed to test the candidate's knowledge on G.K. analytical ability, observation etc. Maximum marks for each online test is 70.
Book 9 is in PDF Format & can't be printed
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Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
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NID Book 10
Includes 50 GK and current Affairs Questions with solutions
Book 10 is in PDF Format & can't be printed
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Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
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NID Book 11
Includes 100 GK MCQs with Solutions
Book 11 is in PDF Format & can't be printed
PDF ACCESS ON: Mosaic Application for Desktop / Laptop
Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above).
Once downloaded, no internet connectivity required to access the material.

Free access to 9 NID DAT Video Packs containing 50 Videos:
1. Learn Human Figure Drawing Pack
2. How to Draw a Good Composition Pack
3. Drawing Basics Pack
4. Understanding Design Pack
5. How to Render Pack
6. Drawing Bank Pack
7. Theory of Colours Pack
8. Question Bank Pack
VIDEO RUNS ON: Mosaic Application for Mobile Phone / Tablet having Android version above 4.4.2.
"I am so happy to share my experience with Mosaic Institute Of Design which has helped me achieve my greatest dream of studying at NID. The detailed and informative study material from Mosaic and the guidance by the faculties helped me to crack the studio test and in making an impressive portfolio. I cannot thank the teachers and Mosaic enough for all the hardwork they have put in to help me with my preparations. I would recommend Mosaic to everyone who is looking for overall development of design sensitivity along with exam oriented preparations."
Varsha Devjani
Apparel Design, NID Gandhinagar
"Mosaic Institute Of Design shines bright & stands apart from all other institutes. The features that make the place special are well qualified faculties excellent study material & systematic teaching pattern. Beyond that what strikes me is the transparency at the institute the faculties who come to the level of students to teach them. After enrolling here I have seen a vast improvement in my creativity level. To whatever heights we reach we will always be thankful to MOSAIC for channelizing our efforts in the right direction."
Priyanka Menon
10 Reasons why you should buy Mosaic Nid Study Material
- 11 detailed books for NID B.Des Dat Prelims preparation covering course for NID.
- Free Access to 9 NID Video Packs containing 50 Videos. Online App. 24 X 7 Access. Prepare anywhere, anytime.
- 20 NID previous year papers
- 425 plus Original Solved Questions
- 15 Solved NID Mock Papers (Subjective Part)
- 6 Solved NID Mock Papers (Objective Part)
- 100 Solved GK MCQs
- 50 Solved GK Q Ans
- Comprehensive Material, Latest Pattern
- 15+ Years of Mosaic Experience
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