NID B.Des. Full E-Book Pack

Start your NID Preparations with Mosaic eBooks
Exhaustive material compiled in 12 E-Books. Instant Download on Registration. Saves Delivery Time....Light on your Pocket.....Environment Friendly!
Includes: Includes 1. NID previous year papers-20 nos | 2. Original Solved Questions-450 plus | 3. Solved NID Mock Papers Section B-15 Nos | Solved NID Mock Papers Section A - 6 Nos | Solved GK MCQs-100 nos | Solved GK Q Ans-50 nos
NID B.Des Full E - Book Pack Details
TARGET EXAM | NID / MIT / Srishti / DJ Academy / Symbiosis |
FORMAT | Engaging E-Books & PDFs prepared by experts. Contains Rich Graphics, Hand Drawn Images & Illustrations for better learning & retention |
DELIVERY TIME | Instant Downloadable Study Material |
VALIDITY | 12 Months |
Can be viewed on Windows PC - Desktop & Laptop (Windows 7 & above). Once downloaded, no internet connectivity required to access the material. |
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NID B.Des E-Book Contents |
COST Rs. 4000/- |
NID E-Book 1 Sketch Development This e-book is divided in two parts: Part A deals with Drawing Basics & Part B deals with Rendering. DRAWING BASICS
NID E-Book 2 How to draw Humans Human body drawing is quite an interesting and challenging subject for NID aspirants. This book incorporates step – by – step method of drawing human body and body parts. Emphasis has been laid on drawing correct human poses and postures. For this a detailed portion deals with stick figures, croquis drawing and detailed figures. |
NID E-Book 3 Colour & Design This E-Book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with Colour & the second part deals with Design. Details are as follows: COLOUR
NID E-Book 4 Drawing Bank This drawing bank contains a collection of sketches helpful for students. They can take reference for their drawing works, practice a variety of subjects like animals, birds, fruits & vegetables, tools, musical instruments, household objects, vehicles, trees, still object compositions & improve their works. |
NID E - Book 5 Question Bank Contents are as follows:
NID E - Book 6 Creativity Enhancement Contents are as follows:
NID E - Book 7 NID B.Des Original Test Papers This book is a collection of 20 NID B.Des previous year question papers for DAT Prelims. |
NID + NIFT E - Book 8 NID ORIGINAL SOLVED QUESTIONSIncludes 425+ Solved Questions from NID B.Des Original Previous Year Papers. |
NID E-Book 9 NID Mock Test Series for Section A with answers - Pack of 6 Tests This E-Book is a collection of NID Mock Tests.Contains pack of 6 tests, each including 35 multiple choice questions for NID B.Design DAT Prelims. The tests contain multiple choice objective type questions based on new paper style of NID DAT Prelims - Section A comprising of 70 marks. These questions are designed to test the candidate's knowledge on G.K. analytical ability, observation etc. Maximum marks for each online test is 70. |
NID E-Book 10 NID Mock Test Series for Section B with answers - Pack of 15 Tests This E-Bok includes 15 NID Mock Test Papers - Solved papers for Section B. |
NID E-Book 11 GK & Current Affairs Questions with Answers - NID B.Design DAT Prelims Includes 50 GK and current Affairs Questions with solutions to prepare the student for NID DAT Prelims Section A |
NID E-Book 12 GK MCQs with Solutions - NID B.Design DAT Prelims Includes 100 GK MCQs with Solutions to prepare the student for NID DAT Prelims Section A |