NID Studio Test Questions I
This is part 1 of 2 part series on NID Studio Test Preparation
- NID Studio Test Questions I
- NID Studio Test Questions II
With this series , we at MOSAIC try to present NID Studio Test Question Bank to NID Aspirants all over India. NID Aspirants can practice these questions at home for NID Studio Test Preparations.
NID Studio Test - 2005
(Memory Based)
Q1. Students are supposed to do some doodle drawings – 12 frames are provided. Some random lines are provided in the frames. Students are supposed to complete the frames by line drawing & provide titles. They can start from any
frame & turn it in any way they like. Students should remember the order of attempting doodles. (No Marks are allocated for this question) Time : 40 min
Q2. You have to make a 3-Dimentional structure as shown. Use appropriate measurements ( All measurements are in cm). You have to cover the marked face with cloth and the opposite face with paper. Time : 60 min
Materials Provided:
Metal Wire
Q3. You are required to represent any one of the following, modelling in clay. Time : 30 min
(a) Comfort
(b) Chaos
Materials Provided:
Red Clay
Colours – White & Black
Write about your creation in 4-5 lines
Q4. Audio Visual Test Time : 10 min
Venue : Auditorium
A. You are provided with a black opaque bag with some objects inside – that you cannot see. You are required to put your hands inside the bag through the opening, to touch and feel the objects for approximately 2 minutes.
a. Name all the objects inside the bag
b. Which objects are made of plastic? How many are they ? From the objects made of plastic which are the softest and for what purpose they are used in day-to-day life ?
c. Which objects are made of paper? Give one use of the object ? Can we identify that object with someone from Indian Literature or Films ? If yes name.
d . Which object is round in shape ? What is the colour of that object ?
e. Name the two roughest objects inside the bag ? Guess the colour of the object.
f. Which is the softest object inside the bag ? What is the texture of that object ?
g. Name the object which has a sharp & pointed tip ? Where is it used ?
h. Which two objects are similar ? But on what basis do they differ ?
i. Which two objects were 2 inches in length ? Where are they used in day-to-day life ?
Objects found in the bag :
Inland Letter
Peacock Feather
Board Clip
Thread Holder
Glass Marking Pencil
Empty Packet of feviquick
1.(a) A video clipping with four pictures of a tea-cup is shown to you ( Duration : 2-3 sec ) You are supposed to recognize the picture showing the tea-cup which is most appropriate and original in shape. Also give reasons for your choice.
(b) A video clipping with four pictures is shown to you ( Duration : 2-3 sec ) You are supposed to recognize the pictures and write down the names.
2. One of the important senses is the sense of smell. Describe your “Taste of Smell” when
(a) You were working with clay
(b) You were entering the classroom
Write about the smell you felt in about 4-5 lines Time : 2 Min
3. You are shown a video film ( in a foreign language ) for approximately 2 minutes and it is stopped abruptly in between. You are supposed to write what according to you should be the next scene ( In 5 – 6 lines ) Time : 3 Min
4. At a distance of about 30 feet, some salad and two burgers are placed in a plate in dim light ( Duration : 1-2 min ) Answer the following questions
a. Name any three things from the plate
b. Tell how you’ll feel if you touch the three things mentioned above
c. Name the textures that come to your mind for each of the three things mentioned above.
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DetailsNID Studio test- 2006
(Memory Based)
Q1. Students are supposed to do some doodle drawings – 12 frames are provided. Some random lines are provided in the frames. Students are supposed to complete the frames by line drawing & provide titles. They can start from any
frame & turn it in any way they like. (No Marks are allocated for this question) Time : 30 min
Q2. Materials Provided:
Chart Paper
You are supposed to make a prism from the chart paper provided to you such that the ball fits exactly in it.
Q3. You are required to make a lollipop display stand
Material Provided :
Ice-Cream Sticks – 8 No.
Chart paper
Write in brief about your design concept.
Q4. You are required to represent the Gorilla Picture through clay modelling. Write about your creation in 4-5 lines
Materials Provided:
Cartoon Picture of Gorilla
Q5. You are asked to observe the objects around you.
Venue: Auditorium
Answer the following Questions
- What is the height of the bench
- Which articles contain sand
Q6. You are shown a video clip. You are supposed to write an audio that matches the situation in the video clip.
Q7. You are supposed to listen to an audio clip and write a screenplay for it.
Q8. You are supposed to identify some pictures shown to you.
Studio Test- 2007
(Memory Based)
Q1. Students are supposed to do some doodle drawings – 12 frames are provided.
Some random lines are provided in the frames. Students are supposed to
complete the frames by line drawing & provide titles. They can start from any
frame & turn it in any way they like. Time : 45 min
( No Marks are allocated for this question.)
Q2. Students are supposed to fill up the following form Time : 30 min
- Imagine if you are a designer five year from now, which 10 craft persons / professionals will you choose to work closely with. Mark them in the order of your preference.
Architect |
Surgeon |
Orthopedic |
Scientist |
Weaver |
Commercial artist |
Shopkeeper |
Painter |
Shoemaker |
Tailor |
Engineer |
Software Engineer |
Agriculturist |
Potter |
Sociologist |
Lawyer |
Teacher |
Marketing Expert |
Photographer |
Dancer |
Carpenter |
Sculptor |
Mechanic |
Cinematographer |
Film Maker |
Writer |
Business Executive |
Musician |
Politician |
Social Worker |
Journalist |
Doctor |
Goldsmith |
Psychologist |
Copy writer |
Anthropologist |
2. Give reasons for your first two preferences
B. 1. Why you want to be a designer ? Briefly Explain.
- If you are selected, which discipline you will choose at NID ? Why ?
- How do you see your role in future as a practitioner of design ?
C. 1. State briefly about the qualities you lack and ones you possess.
- What will be your description of yourself to others ?
- Tell us about some activities that you have carried out as a result of self motivation.
D. 1. Some terms related to design activity are given below. You are supposed to tick any 5 with which you can identify yourself.
Systematic |
Ideas |
Ecological |
Service |
Problem Solving |
Market Productivity |
Management |
User |
Teamwork |
Functional |
Economical |
Technology |
Leadership |
Profit |
Appropriate |
Aesthetic |
Creative |
Quality of life |
Compromise |
Taste |
Inquisitive |
Optimize |
Planning |
Fashionable |
Recognition |
Need |
Beautiful |
- Give reasons for any two preferences marked by you above
E. 1. From the point of view of a young person, describe briefly the positive and negative aspects of adults with whom you are familiar.
- In real or fiction, whom do you admire most & why ?
- Briefly write about
- Music you listen
- A film you have seen
- A performance you have seen
- Books you have read
- Indian writer you read
Q3. Studio Test
Material Provided were common to all batches
Wire - Metal
Sand - Colored
Glass bottles
Corrugated paper
Twine - Plastic
Spring - Plastic
PVC sheets
Rubber band
Some paper clips
Adhesive was not allowed
Batch I
You are required to make a perfume bottle
Special Requirements
a. The bottle should be held up 3 cm from the floor
b. The bottle should swing 10 cm on the side
Batch II
You are required to make a shampoo bottle
Batch III
You are required to make a salt & pepper dispencer
Special Requirements
a. It should be held up 3 cm from the floor
b. It can be carried from table to table
Q 4. A picture of a mug is provided to the students. They are supposed to make a 3-D life size model with clay.
Q5. Audio-Visual Round
Venue: Auditorium
(a) You are shown a video film and it is stopped abruptly in between. You are supposed to write what according to you should be the next scene.
(b) You are supposed to listen to an audio clip and write about the emotions it evoked in you.
(c) A series of 6 slides is shown to you. You are supposed to recognize the objects in the slides and also write down the objects which go together.
(d) At some distance, a huge burger is placed. Students are supposed to observe the burger closely and write the unconventional ingredients present in it.
(e) You can detect three strong smells in the auditorium. Identify them and list their probable sources.
(f) Imagine that the auditorium is half filled with water. Observe your surroundings and state five things which will float in such a situation.
Studio test- 2008
(Memory Based)
Q1. Materials Provided:
Picture of Rabbit in black & white
You are required to represent the Rabbit in 3-D with proper proportions through clay modelling
Q2. Drawing provided of the following
Road Roller
Elephant – Geometric form
Make any one of the above in wire and the other in thermocol, in proper proportions as shown in the picture
Material Provided :
Copper Wire – About 2 metres Time : 30 min
Q3. Draw any event or story having these three above characters in the five boxes provided.
Q4. Students are supposed to do some doodle drawings – 5 frames are provided.
Some random lines are provided in the frames. Students are supposed to
complete the frames by line drawing & provide titles. They can start from any
frame & turn it in any way they like.
Studio Test – 2009
(Memory Based)
Q1 Make a doodle drawing making use of all the figures given in the 12 squares below. Time: 45Min
Q2 You have to make an object which can move, make sound or can do both. Do not use any adhesive.
Time : 60 Min
Materials Provided:
- Potatoes - 2 No.
- Ice Cream Sticks – 3 No.
- Straws – 3 No.
- Wires – 1M
- Rubberbands-2No
- A4 Size Paper
Q3. Describe your creation in 20 words.You are given wet sponge. Make a ½ cut apple with it.
Q4. You are given a fish in socks. You are given 3 min to touch & feel it & mould it in clay.
Read Part 2 : NID Studio Test Questions II
This is part 1 of 2 part series on NID Studio Test Preparation
- NID Studio Test Questions I
- NID Studio Test Questions II
With this series , we at MOSAIC try to present NID Studio Test Question Bank to NID Aspirants all over India.
About the Author: Meet Anu Handa – Interior Designer turned Edupreneur, Blogger and co-founder at Mosaic Institute of Design. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Her online platform, helps the next generation of Design & B.Arch Aspirants get the right career advice, choose the most apt design streams, help them prepare for the entrance exams and choose the best college.
She has been the lead blogpost writer at since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles.
Passionate about Design Education, she likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields on online platforms. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
Read more on Anu Handa
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