How to Prepare for NIFT Situation Test?
All students have to appear for NIFT situation test after their selection in the written exam. This test plays a very important role in the final selection. It comprises of 3-D model making using the materials provided to them. The materials may include different kind of papers, thermocol, wire, string, ice cream sticks etc. A candidate has to create one or two 3-D models within the limited time. The students are judged on the basis of aesthetic appeal, creative and clever manipulation of given materials in an appropriate theme. It is advisable to spend first few minutes of the given time in thinking and drawing a rough sketch of your idea. Decide things to be done first and at last. Carry some stationeries along with you like-pair of scissors, paper cutter, sharpened pencils, compass, fevicol with nosel, quick-fix, blue/black ball point pen, sand paper etc.
NIFT Situation Test 10 Year Question Bank
NIFT Situation Test Video Coaching
Congratulations Friends! It is evident that you’ve cleared the first phase selections for NIFT and started preparations for the Situation Test. It is a great achievement but its not yet time to celebrate. On the contrary its time for hardwork and upgrading your skills. Many students manage to clear the first round but only a few see success in the second round. You can be one of the selected few.
With the help of our “ NIFT SITUATION TEST VIDEO COACHING PACK ” your dreams can become reality. In the videos, we have tried to show how to deal with some of the common challenges faced by the students in the tests.
Today we're presenting a small portion from the above Video Coaching Pack:
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Learn how structure is an important part of all Models. Most students don't pay much attention to this important criteria. By the time the model reaches the examiners it has already collapsed. And the student wonders why he/she recieved little marks in spite of presenting a good model.
As the combination of beams & columns support a building, in the same manner a model needs to be supported. This can be done with the help of sticks, wires, etc. & covered up with paper. Clay models specially tend to sag if not supported inside. In a building, beams transfer weight horizontally to the columns & the columns transfer it to the foundations. If we apply this basic principle of structure, we need not worry whether our model will be able to stand & not collapse till the time it reaches the examiner’s desk. In the video given below, sticks are used for the structure but it can be varied as per the material provided. It can be cardboard, ice-cream sticks or wires. The basic criteria for a material to qualify to be used for a structure is that it should be hard, sturdy & should possess some load bearing capacity.
EXAMPLE : LAMP ( See Video )
Q1. Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided below-
(a) Piano
(b) Table Lamp
(c) Dinosaur
(d) Puppet
Materials Provided :
Colored paper
Silver paper
Bamboo sticks
Chart paper
The Shaft: Notice, in the lamp model, the standing sticks are the core of the structure. They are tied with the wire to the lamp shade frame & transfer the load to the thermocoal base which act as the foundation. The circular thermocol pattern around the sticks is for aesthetic purpose only & does not help the structure in any way.
Base: The three layers of thermocoal & fevicol provide good support to the sticks.
Lamp Shade: The two sticks tied to the lamp shade base help in keeping the shade in place. The green crepe paper is only a covering. Here use of crepe paper helps to cover the shade quickly saving a lot of precious time.
Q1. Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided – Batch 1
- Window Display for a Fashion House
Material Provided:
Cardboard: A4 Size
Ivory Sheet: A3 Size
Pastel Sheet: A4 Size-Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
Straws: 6
Ice Cream Sticks: 6
Thumb Pins: 4
Rubber Band: 4
Cotton Gift Paper (Jute Paper to carry Sweets)
Plasticine Clay: 1 Packet
Ribbon of 2 Colours: 1 M each
Small plastic string
About the Author: Meet Anu Handa – Interior Designer turned Edupreneur, Blogger and co-founder at Mosaic Institute of Design. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Her online platform, helps the next generation of Design & B.Arch Aspirants get the right career advice, choose the most apt design streams, help them prepare for the entrance exams and choose the best college.
She has been the lead blogpost writer at since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles.
Passionate about Design Education, she likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields on online platforms. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
Read more on Anu Handa
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