NIFT Situation Test 10 Year Question Bank
Situation Test - 2008 Total Time : 2 hrs
Batch 1
From the material provided below, make any one
- A ladies Hand Bag
- Momento for Art Festival Winner
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DetailsSituation Test - 2008 Total Time : 2 hrs
Batch 2
From the material provided below, make any one
- A Flower Vase
- A Trophy
Materials Provided:
Cardboard – A3 Size
Coloured paper
Copper Wire
Catridge Sheet
Situation Test - 2009 Total Time : 2 hrs
Q1. Make a model on any one of the following.
Weightage – 70% model 30% Write Up
- Design a ladies handbag to be taken to a fashion show, picnic or market
Materials Provided :
Thick Cardboard – A4 size ( Only one side pink), Straws that can bend – Different Colours – 6 No., Soft Board Pins – Different Colours – 6 No.,Ice Cream Sticks – 6 No., Corrugated sheet - A4 size, Satin Ribbon – Saffron & Yellow colour – 1 Metre, Newspaper – Pin Page, Transluscent Cloth – Delicate but strong, Tissue Paper, Cotton Roll, Rubberbands ( Bright Coloured) – 4 No.
- Make a doll on any one of the following themes:
- Environment Protection
- Girl Child
- Water Conservation
Situation Test - 2011 Total Time : 2 hrs
- Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided – Batch 1
- Cartoon Character
- Mela / Go Green
- Window Display for a Fashion House
Q1. Design any one of the following and give a write up of 50 words.
- Entrance gate for marriage ceremony
- Traffic Junction
- Momento for Sports Brotherhood/ Health for All/ Protection of Environment
Material Provided:
Cardboard: A4 Size
Ivory Sheet: A3 Size
Pastel Sheet: A4 Size-Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
Straws: 6
Ice Cream Sticks: 6
Thumb Pins: 4
Rubber Band: 4
Cotton Gift Paper (Jute Paper to carry Sweets)
Plasticine Clay: 1 Packet
Ribbon of 2 Colours: 1 M each
kA small plastic string
Situation Test - 2012 Total Time : 2 hrs
Q1. Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided. Explain the model you have made in the A4 size sheet given to you in 100 words.
- NIFT Fashion Show/ Polling Booth/ Circus
Themes Given – Go Green
- Invent a device that would ease the work of a Bus Conductor or Postman or Newspaper Vendor
Q2. Design a Ladies Handbag
Design a Momento for Art Festival
Materials Provided:
- 1 piece of string
- Straws ( White in Colour & could be bent at one place ) – 4 Nos.
- Ice Cream Sticks – 4-5 Nos.
- Clay – 1 packet of 4-5 different colours
- Newspaper – 2 Glossy pages of Times Life were provided
- Coloured Matt Bond Sheet – 2-3 Nos.
- Cardboard – Bigger than A3 size
- Cotton
- Pastel Sheet –A4 Size – Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
- Thumb Pin-8-10
- Rubber Bands 8-10
Situation Test - 2013 Total Time : 2 hrs
Q1. Make a work place of any one:
- Nurse
- Painter
- Cobbler
Q2. Make a 3D model promoting any one of the following:
- Teachers Day
- Eradication of illiteracy
- Eradication of Polio
Explain your work in 60 words
Materials Provided:
- A4 size cardboard
- Straw - 6
- Toothpick - 6
- Cotton
- Newspaper
- Paper with cloth backing – A4 Size
- All Pins
- Rubberbands
- Thick Thread – 1 Metre
- Crepe paper-A4 Size
- Thumb Pins with plastic Tops
- Golden wire Thin – 1 Metre
- Plastic Scrubber
Situation Test - 2014 Total Time : 2 hrs
Batch I
Q1. Make a 3D model to promote any of the following:
- Garbage Recycling
- Wind Energy
- Water Conservation
Q2. Make the replica of any one of the following:
- Post Office
- Polling Booth
- Nursery School
Write 60 words approx. about your 3D model
Material Provided:
- 2 Pastel Sheets
- Cardboard
- 3 Coloured Sheets
- Straw
- Thread
- Glitter Tube
- Rubber Band
- Copper Wire
- Toothpicks
- Needle
- Cotton Ball
- Masking Tape
- Newspaper – 1No.
- Ivory Sheets
- All Pins
Batch II
Q1. Make a product to make life easier for:
- Gardener
- Railway Potter
- Newspaper Boy
Q2. Make trophy or souvenier for
- Best Teacher on annual day
- Polio Eradication
Explain your 3D product in 60 words approx.
Materials Provided:
- Sheets – 2No
- Ivory Sheets
- All Pins
- Rubber Band
- Cardboard
- Glitter Tube
- Toothpicks
- Copper Wire
- Newspaper – 1
- Straw
- Thread
- Needle
- Masking Tape
- Cotton Ball
Batch III
Q1. Make a product to
- Control Deforestation
- Water Harvesting
- Jewellery Fashion Show
Material Provided:
- Ivory Sheet
- Crepe Paper
- Plastic Bottle
- Cello Tape
- Thread Needle
- Glitter
- Straw
- Thermocol
- All Pins
Batch IV
Q1. Make a mask inspired by any of the following topics:
- Nature
- My Clean Metro Train
Q2. Make a medal inspired by any one of the following topics:
- Vintage Car Rally
- Miss Universe
- Mothers Day
Materials Provided:
- Corrugated Sheet – 1 No.
- Ice Cream Sticks – 6No.
- RubberBands – 5 No.
- Cloth Paper – 1
- Cotton Roll - 1
- Flexi Straw – 6No.
- Gift Wrapper-1
- Board Pins-5No.
Situation Test - 2015 Total Time: 2 hrs
Batch I
Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided
Q1. Make an innovative helping equipment for any one of the following characters.
- Plumber
- Tea Vendor
- Gardener
Q2. Make a model on
- Garbage Recycle
- Wind Energy
- Water Conservation
Batch II
Make a model on any one of the following using the materials provided
Q1. Make a model on any one of the following
- Save Girl Child
- Make in India
- Corruption Eradication
Q2. Make a replica of
- Polling Booth
- Toll Booth
- Bus Stand
Batch III
Q1. Make a trophy for any one of the following
- Best Teacher on Annual Day
- Health Worker for Polio
- Volunteer for Voter Education
Q2. Make a model on
- Child Labour
Materials Provided :
- Mount Board – A4 Size
- Thermocol – A4 Size
- Mouldable Wire – 1 Mtr.
- Cotton Tape – 1 Mtr.
- Bendable Plastic Straw – 6 No.
- Needle & String
- Rubberbands – 10 Nos.
- All Pins – Small Packet
- Plastic Utensil Scrubber
- Silver Glitter Tube – 1 No.
- Cotton Roll – 15 gm
- Ivory Sheet – A4 Size
- Plastic Sheet – A4 Size ( 2 No. Blue & Yellow )
- Ice Cream Stick – 6 No.
- Red Coloured Buttons – Size –Big
- Plastic balls – 2 No. Pink & Green
- Paper Cloth - A3 Size – Orange Coloured
- Thermocoal Balls Packet – Colours –White, Pink, Yellow, Red
- Coloured OHP Sheet – 2 No. Blue & Yellow
- Ribbon – 1 Mtr. – Blue Coloured
- Crepe Paper – 1 No. – Blue / Purple
Batch IV
Q1. Make a momento for any one of the following characters.
- Social Worker
- Hindi Poet
- Environmentalist
Q2. Make an innovative tool for
- Car Cleaning
- Tea Vendor
Situation Test - 2016 Total Time : 2 hrs
Batch 1
Q1. Create an installation for differently abled.
Q2. Create an educational toy for KG students
Q3. Make a fashion accessory inspired by a wind creature.
Materials Provided:
- Crepe Paper
- Transparency Sheet – A4
- Thread
- Needle
- Rubber Bands
- Straw
- Cardboard
- Wire
- A4 size sheet in 3 colours
- Quilling Paper Strips
- Gateway Sheet – A4
Batch 2
Q1. Prepare a model to depict a shoe for the 22nd century
Q2. Prepare a model of a café at the venue of a car rally
Q3. Create a store window of a fashion product
Materials Provided:
- Crepe Paper
- Transparency Sheet – A4
- Thread
- Needle
- Rubber Bands
- Straw
- Cardboard
- Wire
- A4 size sheet in 3 colours
- Quilling Paper Strips
- Gateway Sheet – A4
Batch 3
Q1. Create a model of a futuristic bus stop
Q2. Create a model of a futuristic telephone
Q3. Design a bag inspired from an underwater creature
Materials Provided:
- Crepe Paper
- Transparency Sheet – A4
- Thread
- Needle
- Rubber Bands
- Straw
- Cardboard
- Wire
Situation Test – 2017 Total Time : 2 hrs
Batch I
Q1. Create an indoor games room for a kindergarten/ nursery.
Q2. Create a flower vase with creative flowers on the theme storm.
Q3. Design a cart for a disabled person.
Materials Provided:
- Thermocoal – 9” X 9”
- Tracing Paper
- 4 different coloured sheets
- Wire
- Fabric
- Cardboard
- All Pins
- Ivory Sheet
- Mount Board
- Straw
- Needle
- Thread
Batch II
Q1. Make a Dhaba keeping in mind the local culture.
Q2. Make a bag for a doctor who is also a first time mother.
Q3. Make a badge for “Save Environment” for 22nd century
Materials Provided:
- Thermocoal
- White Sheet
- Wire
- Fabric
- Cardboard
- All Pins
- Ivory Sheet
- Mount Board
- Needle
- Thread
- Ivory Sheet
- Cardboard
- Gateway Sheet
- Thermocol Balls
- Pastel Sheet in 4 Colours
Batch III
Q1. Make a wind chime for a sailor’s home
Q2. Show a kitchen according to a family’s lifestyle.
Q3. Make a park bench for senior citizens, inspired by nature.
Materials Provided:
- Thermocoal – 9” X 9”
- Tracing Paper
- 4 different coloured sheets
- Wire
- Fabric
- Cardboard
- All Pins
- Ivory Sheet
- Mount Board
- Straw
- Needle
- Thread
- Newspaper
- Corrugated Sheet
- Thermocol Balls
About the Author: Meet Anu Handa – Interior Designer turned Edupreneur, Blogger and co-founder at Mosaic Institute of Design. Anu has spent 15+ years training Design & B.Arch Aspirants for entrance exams.
Her online platform, helps the next generation of Design & B.Arch Aspirants get the right career advice, choose the most apt design streams, help them prepare for the entrance exams and choose the best college.
She has been the lead blogpost writer at since 2009. Her educational background in Interior Design, Urban Planning and the English Language has given her a broad base to cover a range of topics in her articles.
Passionate about Design Education, she likes to write about Design, Architecture and related fields on online platforms. Aims at challenging the conventional & age old teaching methodology.
Read more on Anu Handa
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