Are you searching for NID / NIFT / NATA coaching classes in Delhi ?
Why to travel long hours & attend overloaded, expensive tuitions?
When Expert Guidance is available in the comforts of your home.
According to American educator Edgar Dale: We remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see & 50% of what we hear and see. The above study clearly shows the remarkable effect watching videos can have on your entrance preparations. The logic behind is that videos stimulate more senses than reading words from a textbook. Watching videos makes learning simple & also makes it easier to recall difficult process.
Benefits of Online Video Coaching...................
- Available 24 X 7
- Balance your School/College/Work with Entrance Preparations. Now no worries of missing a class.
- Audio-Visual Coaching is a proven method that is far more effective than reading from books or in a classroom. The student is able to memorize much better as Animations & Graphics appeal more to the students than written text.
- Parents can keep a watch on what their children are studying.
- Students can go through the videos any number of times. Pause-Rewind-Relearn to thoroughly understand difficult concepts.
- Do you feel hesitant to ask your doubts in a class full of students. Don’t worry, when you opt for Online Video Coaching option, you can e-mail your questions to the faculties.
- You can choose to study from any place, according to the flexibility of your schedule.
- Watch coaching videos, while travelling or while waiting for a friend – Saves Time.
- Saves you travelling time & money to the coaching class. All you have to do is, install the Mosaic application in your Tablet or Smartphone and get going.
- Conventional classroom coaching or hiring home tutors is quite expensive, in comparison Online Video Coaching proves to be less expensive.
- Long hours of attending classes is very tiring for students. Also very difficult to manage with college, school or work.
- Boredom tends to set in with conventional teaching methods. Watching videos can refresh you as they make learning more interesting.
- While attending classroom coaching, the candidates performance majorly depends on how qualified the teacher is. Whereas the videos are prepared by a team of experts backed by 10 years of MOSAIC experience.
In today’s fast paced lifestyle, online education is the best choice available to you.
India’s No. 1 ONLINE PLATFORM for NID / NIFT / NATA entrance offers Online Video coaching, Downloadable E-Books and Printed Books. Choose from the packages below & see the difference.
Our Online Coaching

NID B.Des Learn Human Figure Drawing Pack

NID B.Des How to Draw a Good Composition Package

Nata Architectural Awareness Pack

Nata 5 Perspective Pack
Our Instant E-Books

NID B.Des. Full E-Book Pack

NID B.Des. Mini E-Book Pack

NID M.Des. Full E-Book Pack

NID M.Des. Mini E-Book Pack
Our Study Material

NID B.Design Full Study Material

NID Test Papers Series 2018 M.Design DAT

NIFT B.Design Full Study Material