21 More Freebies for B.Arch Preparations
So planning to write B.Arch exams?
I'm sure you must have made good use of the JEE B.Arch free download section above. Solving past year papers will definitely help you with the exam preparations.
I think you must be planning to give Nata exams along with JEE B.Arch. If you have not given a thought to it, please do. In fact majority of the students who appear for JEE B.Arch, also appear for Nata.
Today, I present a list of 21 free stuffs: downloads, articles, online test, all helpful in B.Arch preparations. The list links to free resources for both Nata and JEE Mains Paper 2 Exam: the two biggest exams for B.Arch entrance in India.
So, make good use of the resources. Do write to me if you have any questions.
1. JEE B.Plan Sample Paper – Attempting these Mock Papers with MCQs will help you improve your score & get a good rank in JEE B.Plan.
2. Nata 2017 Answer Key – This free article with more than 89,000 views, shows step-by-step solutions for Drawing & GAT Test for Nata 2017 (This is the year when the pattern changed & the questions were most difficult). Illustrative article with diagrams, video & Answer Key
3. Jee Online Mock Test – The Online Mock Test for JEE B.Plan is based on the pattern of the actual exam. The MCQs provide you with the score, answer key & results at the end of the test. Requires Login to attempt the free test.
4. Top Architecture Colleges in India – Provides you with a list of top B.Arch Colleges in India.
5. Nata Sample papers – This article with more than 60,000 views presents Nata GAT Mock Papers with Solutions. Must for self evaluation.
6. JEE B.Plan Mock Test - Attempting these Sample Papers with MCQs will help you improve your score & get a good rank in JEE B.Plan.
7. Free Nata Coaching: Series 6 – Feedback on Nata Drawings by faculties. The drawings are handpicked by our teachers to highlight the common mistakes made by students, corrections and rectifications.
8. Nata Free Downloads – Collection of previous year papers of Nata. PDFs available for free downloads. Maths, GAT and Drawing Tests available for Nata. Helpful in preparing for Nata exam.
9. Why Study Architecture? – A detailed article explaining the skills required to study Architecture, careers in Architecture and entrance exams for Architecture.
10. Free Nata Coaching: Series 9 – Free article on Umaid Bhavan Palace and its importance in Nata Gat Architectural Awareness Portion.
11. Nata Online Mock Test - The Online Mock Test for Nata Gat is based on the pattern of the actual exam. The MCQs provide you with the score, answer key & results at the end of the test. Requires Login to attempt the free test.
12. Important Architect to remember if you are preparing for Nata – Contains infographic and timeline on the most important Architect in World History – Frank Lloyd Wright: Father of Modern Architecture.
13. Free Nata Coaching: Series 1 - Solved Nata Drawing Paper with comments and feedback from faculties.
14. Is Coaching Really Necessary for Nata? Understand the pros and cons of joining a coaching institute. This detailed article explains what is actually required for Nata preparations.
15. How to attempt 2D Compositions? If you face problems in this particular question of Nata, then this article is for you. Teaches you how to attempt the question with practical exercises.
16. Nata Preparations - Free article on Adalaj Step Well and its importance in Nata Gat Architectural Awareness Portion.
17. Nata Coaching: Learning by doing first – If you face problems in 3D Composition question of Nata, then this article is for you. Teaches you how to attempt the question with practical exercises.
18. 10 Reasons why Architecture is the next best Career in India - Architecture is a profession, a lifestyle that is ever changing and evolving. This article provides you with reasons why this flexible but responsible profession can be the right career for you
19. How Fruitful is a Career in Architectural Conservation? This niche field proved the right career choice for Shivangi Buch. Read her full interview here…..
20. Buying Nata Study Material? 7 Things to Remember…Read this article before you make up your mind to purchase Nata Study Material.
21. Forum – Got questions related to Jee Mains Paper 2 or Nata? Ask in the Forum Section, and we will be happy to answer.